Portfolios > Into the Other Land Portfolio

Often the gestation period for a series can take over a decade, as in this grouping. Some of these paintings are one color (monochromatic) relying only on tonal values which pulls the viewer into the image to interpret the environment.

These works first rely on outward reference, but then the paint takes control and the mysteries emerge. In many of them, I rarely used brushes, mostly I just used my fingers and hands.

oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
24"w x 20"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
24"w x 20"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
24"w x 20"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
48"w x 24"
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
48"w x 36"h
oil, acrylic painting, canvas, BC, landscape, Marion Webber
oil on canvas
24" h x 48" w
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
36"w x 18"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
36"w x 18"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
12"w x 12"h each, total length 36"
oil, acrylic painting, canvas, BC, landscape
oil on canvas
40"w x 30"h
oil, acrylic painting, canvas, BC, landscape
oil on canvas
24"w x 48"h
oil, acrylic painting, canvas, BC, landscape
oil on canvas
40"w x 30"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
30"w x 40"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
30"w x 40"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
48"w x 36"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
48"w x 36"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
30"w x 40"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
30"w x 40"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
30"w x 40"h
oil painting, canvas, canvas panel, still life, landscape painting, BC art, marion webber
oil on canvas
72"w x 24"h